The anti stress blanket


Text from above:

Anti-stress blankets make everything better

When you feel frustrated

Just get up, grab a blanket and...

Let yourself take a break, Breath, Just be within the sanctuary of the blanket, Meditate, Be Zen, Let it go, Be in the now, Accept yourself as you are, You are safe, Be there for you, At this moment you are enough, it will be Ok

Another post from my comic. Remember breaks are important, don't let yourself stay in the stressful frustrated feeling for too long. Breath, Feel the frustration, accept yourself and where you are. recenter, give yourself the love you need and move on. 

I've been listening to a lot of Dr. Joe Dispenza. he essentially says that your body becomes used to the feeling of stress and even expects it. This of course damages your health. That's why we must train ourself to constantly come back into a state of peace and harmony within. it is a work in progress so be patient with yourself, When you have peace within, you have peace outside. May we all have a more peaceful inner world. 


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