Insights on self care

 So I decided to make this blog about my personal posts and insights along with my art. One of the most intense realizations I've had during my yoga teacher training, was about just how abusive I have been to myself in the name of self-improvement and productivity. 

 I have been so harsh to myself in order to train me to be "Better" and "Good" from anything to my art, body, work and personal development. I have allowed others to be harsh, overly critical in an abusive way, all in the name of this "goodness" that it will in the end pay off and be worth the pain. Except it never will, because this kind of thinking breeds the feeling of never being good enough.

 I've decided that I will no longer live my life according to this harshness anymore. That I am done with hurting myself and allowing others to do so because somewhere along the line I have received the message that I am not good enough and need to be "adjusted". Harshness has no place in my life anymore. It doesn't serve me.

 I will no longer welcome this abuse from myself or others. Self care and softness is my new practice. To honor myself and where I am at. I am in a state of perfection in every stage of my life because I am where I'm meant to be. I used to think that being soft in a harsh world was weakness, now I see it's the bravest thing you can do ♡

Taken from Art blog post you can view here


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