Celestial angelic dream

This piece was inspired from a beautiful dream I had

In the dream, I woke up in the middle of the night and had feathers growing out of my chest, tail bone and shoulders. The feathers had stem like tails where flowers grew out of them. My skin was pale and glowing, I got up from my bed and was wearing a long elegant skirt. I remember Feeling this intense bliss, love and peace. I was just so happy and excited that I existed. 

I felt like I was embodying an angelic aspect of myself, I felt so powerful, beautiful and at peace. 
After I woke up I felt like a different person a very deep peace and calm. I remember having a stressful day ahead as I was doing my drivers test. I remained calm the whole day and passed with ease. 

The feeling of peace and ease stayed with me for days after this dream. I felt it shifted something in me in a positive way. One of the most powerful dreams I ever had. It felt like help from the other side. It makes me believe that these experiences are here available to us if we allow them. 

This one is from an older blog post I made on my art blog in 2013. Original post can be viewed here


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