
Dandelion in the pavement

  Sometimes in life, we are like a wild dandelion at the edge of the highway. That somehow managed to grow through the concrete. Surviving amidst the hot pavement and passing cars. Own the resilience and adaptability of the dandelion. It could be just as special and beautiful as any rose. 

The anti stress blanket

  Text from above: Anti-stress blankets make everything better When you feel frustrated Just get up, grab a blanket and... Let yourself take a break, Breath, Just be within the sanctuary of the blanket, Meditate, Be Zen, Let it go, Be in the now, Accept yourself as you are, You are safe, Be there for you, At this moment you are enough, it will be Ok Another post from my comic. Remember breaks are important, don't let yourself stay in the stressful frustrated feeling for too long. Breath, Feel the frustration, accept yourself and where you are. recenter, give yourself the love you need and move on.  I've been listening to a lot of Dr. Joe Dispenza. he essentially says that your body becomes used to the feeling of stress and even expects it. This of course damages your health. That's why we must train ourself to constantly come back into a state of peace and harmony within. it is a work in progress so be patient with yourself, When you have peace within, you have peace outsid

The feeling of home

  Text from above: Sometimes when I am missing home, I remind myself that home is a feeling and not a place.  Home is something that we can carry on inside of us May we all find that place and be home wherever we go This post was from a comic series I started years ago. I remember feeling very home sick after I moved out. So being able to creatively express through this comic. Was very cathartic and served as a reminder to myself. So to anyone who feels they don't know where home is for them. I understand, I'm still finding mine. But in the meantime, lets carry it inside.

Insight on Vulnerability

Text from above: Insightful though of the day: Acting like you are stronger then you feel all the time, can be a sure way to feel alone. Letting yourself be vulnerable at times when you need too, can open you up to connection and understanding.    I've been feeling quite philosophical lately and have come to realize that while strength is valuable, it can sometimes become a barrier we create to distance ourselves from others.  This is sometimes necessitated in some circumstances to avoid the pain and disappointment others might cause. Though as a result, we end up trying to handle everything on our own.  Vulnerability of how one feels can be a strength and can invite the right kind of people into your life, where you don't always have to be strong all the time.  This is an update from my older blog. Original post can be viewed here

Celestial angelic dream

This piece was inspired from a beautiful dream I had In the dream, I woke up in the middle of the night and had feathers growing out of my chest, tail bone and shoulders. The feathers had stem like tails where flowers grew out of them. My skin was pale and glowing, I got up from my bed and was wearing a long elegant skirt. I remember Feeling this intense bliss, love and peace. I was just so happy and excited that I existed.  I felt like I was embodying an angelic aspect of myself, I felt so powerful, beautiful and at peace.  After I woke up I felt like a different person a very deep peace and calm. I remember having a stressful day ahead as I was doing my drivers test. I remained calm the whole day and passed with ease.  The feeling of peace and ease stayed with me for days after this dream. I felt it shifted something in me in a positive way. One of the most powerful dreams I ever had. It felt like help from the other side. It makes me believe that these experiences are here available

Embracing imperfect art

 So as an artist who works professionally. I must confess that I do still fear doing bad work. It has gotten to the point where I would just be discouraged from drawing and painting in general, of fear that I will "screw up" the current piece I am working on. This has caused me to have a major artists/creativity block keeping me from moving forward and thus making me feel depressed. So I decided to just paint random stuff, not expecting it to be great, and in fact embracing that it will be quite bad! It felt good letting myself off the hook of not having to create great portfolio pieces or commissions all the time. It feels nice to just do what I loved as a kid. Just doing art not caring how it turns out, if something good comes out, great! if not, all well. I found by doing these few pieces, I have become more bold with my work. Just embrace the bad art! :) Update: Looking back now, as I read the artist's way by: Julia Cameron and follow the practices. I really resonate

Insights on self care

 So I decided to make this blog about my personal posts and insights along with my art. One of the most intense realizations I've had during my yoga teacher training, was about just how abusive I have been to myself in the name of self-improvement and productivity.   I have been so harsh to myself in order to train me to be "Better" and "Good" from anything to my art, body, work and personal development. I have allowed others to be harsh, overly critical in an abusive way, all in the name of this "goodness" that it will in the end pay off and be worth the pain.  Except it never will, because this kind of thinking breeds the feeling of never being good enough.  I've decided that I will no longer live my life according to this harshness anymore. That I am done with hurting myself and allowing others to do so because somewhere along the line I have received the message that I am not good enough and need to be "adjusted". Harshness has no pla