Welcome to Ewelina's Insights and Illustrations

Today I am pleased to launch something very precious to me. My new insights and illustrations series. These are a series of insights, poetry and reflections, that have been coming to me for a few years now. Combined with illustrations that I create. These are personal pieces of my world. I started these at the end of 2019. It was born from an idea I had when deciding how to combine my art with my authentic and personal spiritual connection and insights. These pieces are very personal to me. So I have kept them private for sometime now. I don't know if I will ever fully share all of them. But the time feels right to sharing my insights, personal creative work and authenticity to the world Since these are a bit different from my other work. I created a separate blog to create space for my insights and illustrations. Enjoy! Pl: Witamy w spostrzeżeniach i ilustracjach Evy Obecnie mam swobodę posiadania czegoś dla mnie bardzo cennego. Moja nowa seria uwag i ilustracji. To cy...